Monday, May 05, 2008

James Lahey - Skulls

James Lahey: New Works
May 4, 2006 - June 4, 2006
J. Cacciola
531 W 25th St
New York (Chelsea)

I love James' skulls and the concept of "You want to start over" Its has a playful theme of having to think about your life and self esteem. For me, it makes me contemplate how we will live life regretting in the end. Do we want to start over? Yes. Or no. What would happen if we could change, then what would happen next. Would it be better or not. Then would we want to start again until we are satisfied. When will we ever be happy?

I stood next to my own reflection with a text says "This will make you beautiful". Does it help standing by the mirror? Will the people standing next to me will think that I possessed a low self esteem standing in front of it? It helps that the artist understand a person's self image.

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